Saturday, November 7, 2020


Share This Page Tweet. Thank you for your help, i really apreciate it. After days of searching for a driver that actually works fine with windows xp, i concluded that theres no such a thing, looks like a there are only ATI Radeon Xpress drivers for Vista, and for xp just Radeon X series will work with it. Note that your submission may not appear immediately on our site. Promote cracked software, or other illegal content. The AMD Customer Care website provides accurate and up-to-date product support for optimum usability and performance. Thank You for Submitting Your Review,!
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Which laptop would be best to purchase? Alienware 17 and M17x.

I dont know the name but you can google it. To provide us with your feedback, visit: Advertisements or commercial links. Well, i got a Acer Extensa laptop, it came with windows vista, windowe a time i really got bored xprdss it so i changed for windows xp, I found all the drivers on the Acer website, but the video driver dosent works, it says it cant find the correct hardware. Installation information can be found at: Folding Home uses distributed computing to simulate protein folding, the workload is broken up into small work units and distributed across hundreds of thousands of computers over the internet.

The AMD Customer Care website provides accurate and up-to-date product support for optimum usability and performance.

Danishblunt Dec 27, at To view a known or resolved issue, do the following: Pros it's an update Cons the update is not fixing my problem.

Do you already have an account? Reaper05Mar 22, Technical issues are categorized and personalized to enhance user experience.

AMD/ATI Radeon Xpress mobility drivers for Microsoft Windows XP 32bit

What Notebook Should I Buy? I dont understand whats the problem with this display drivers, why it only works on vista correctly. No, create an account now. Once reported, our staff will be notified and the comment will be reviewed.

Your name or email address: Promote cracked software, or other illegal content. Thanks again for your help. The capture driver for these products installed on systems running Windows Vista is not being updated at this time. Tried the same method with the drivers i downloaded from the Acer website suposed to be for windows xp and the Radeon Xpress dosent shows on the list. Dont worry crash, i really thank your help guys, i apreciate the time you spent to look for this driver. Sorry we couldn't be more helpful.

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Again, thank you for the help. Usually, I would close threads relating to updating drivers, but since this seems to be a pretty special case, I'll leave it open. For more information on Folding Home visit: Well i guess ill just go back to Vista.

AMD/ATI driver for Radeon Xpress 1250 Windows XP (32bit)

xprrss The posting of advertisements, profanity, or personal attacks is prohibited. For further information and general help on software driver installation, game issues, and more, visit ATI Customer Care.

I couldn't find anything other than the Vista drivers for that card either. Hey loco, welcome to NBR Take a look at this thread: Since you've already submitted a review for this product, this submission will be added as an update to your original review.

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